? ??????????????Future Stars Will Be Dim? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (7 Ratings)??863 Grabs Today. 9090 Total
Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Dark Tree? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (23 Ratings)??834 Grabs Today. 24918 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, January 19, 2012

family day for kale's 10th bday

We went and took the kids to eat (they pick when it's their bday) and then we took them to play. The place we went to has a merry go round and kale gets on. the kids race to see what animal they will ride. she grabs a big tiger. The ride comes around the 1st round and her she is on the only animal that doesnt go up and down. lol.she looks at us sadly and says "wee" lol. that girl.

Veni gets on the bumper cars. 1st time I've seen him do this. terrified for him but to my suprise he gets and controls it like it's a daily thing he does. it was so hard for us to get him out of that place. he loved it.

Zerin's already planning on Kale's bday what she wants to do for hers. she asks about an expensive Brazilian place and I tell her "yes but it'll be over $100 so you wont get a present" only takes her 3 seconds to says "no"

prayer night

My husband calls the kids together for prayer...he says he will say it. The kids start volunteering that they'll say it (I am lost)...then it dawns on me that they dont want him to say it cuz it takes him too long. He's still saying he'll do it when Kale starts praying. He stops her midsentence and she says "Awww" ..cant stop laughing that he stopped her in the middle of the prayer so that he could say it and that she just started saying it in hopes she'd beat him.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


started at the beg. of Jan to try to live the Eat To Live way (fruits, veggies, nuts and beans) lost 3 lbs in 3 days and then fell off the wagon. Got back on the wagon 10jan and feel great!!! it's only been about a day and 1/2 but I have made the decision to suceed. no looking back at any nonsuccessful times. Keeping my eyes on the prize and looking twrds the future. read about an older lady who suffered from angina (pain in chest from shortness of blood getting to heart) and then following this fruits and veggies way lost 90 lbs and kept going. I can do this!! I feel good and want to keep feeling good. I love that I can eat a lot and lose weight. I dont feel hungry and went around prepared today with my apple and salad. even made Keai a salad for lunch. I miss being at home and being able to keep everything organized.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

my friend and sister Tu

Today 2 Jan was a sad day. My Tu passed away. So I happy i had the time that I was able to spend with her laughing, talking, laughing, and laughing.

I remember one day Tami having us walk for training and we walked for what seemed like 82miles. There was Tu with her high heel slippers. We kept saying how outta breath we were and how our bodies were in shock. lol. Most walking I'd done in 4eveeeeeeeeer. Right after training she learned she had cancer. I stopped by her house once to laugh with her and take her some food. I was one that was blessed to have come to know her. What a work-aholic she was. She served a mission and I had gone to high school with her little sister but never imagined how much fun I would have with her. I got to sit with her in a couple of training classes. and man did she love her phone and facebook :) ....update on Memorial Day 2013 Keai took me and the kids to go see Lita, gpa Vili, gap Sione, Lotoa. right beside one another our family's were laid to rest then we end up married....what r the chances? then not more than 20 feet away sat Latu's parents visiting her grave. was so touched to see them there. I felt Tu's love for them. I know Tu was happy they were there. Glad my kids were there for her to see too :) luv u Tu!!