? ??????????????Future Stars Will Be Dim? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (7 Ratings)??863 Grabs Today. 9090 Total
Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Dark Tree? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (23 Ratings)??834 Grabs Today. 24918 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, June 15, 2013

burned 3680 C for this week!!!

well i got on the scale. couldnt help wondering if lost anything...NOT! sucks but I impressed myself and hit the gym at 5p but didnt get home til 730pm. fought neg thoughts during my wkout bcuz I wanted to hit 1250C today....and I DID IT!! My husband didnt want to go with me and the old me would've used that as my way out of wking out. The me, now, has to put it in or I know I will not feel good about myself. I really am chasing a high when I go of good hormones. my reward at the end is being able to relax in the dry sauna and then coming home to a great shower or bath. I know it's daddys day tmrw but I am glad I was able to have some time to myself. I am gonna sleep good tonight!! way to go TEAM SELF!!! hehehe

1000 Calories!

I hit 1000 Cal in one workout this past Mon and yesterday!! chee hoo !! feeling a lot better as far as confidence. have to keep winning that voice in my head that says "this is too hard" or "i wanna get off this machine". replace it with "i love feeling good" "I can do more than I think" and especially visualizing what I am wking twrds helps me tons. Its been about 8 yrs since I have worked out this much. that is way too long overdue but the good thing is I am wking on it and not procrastinating more. NOT PERFECTION BUT PERSISTENCE

Daddy's day

For mothers day my husband gave me money and I thought that was it and I was fine. then he shows up with a gift card for a massage at Sego Lily!! wow was so excited. i asked Elizabeth Leakehe to go with me. we shared a room and didnt know what we were in for, but I couldnt help but being happy that day bcuz of the pampered feel they gave us. so for this father's day i wanted to do something special for my man. I decided to get him a new stereo in his car. I told him i was going to run errands. when i came back i pulled into the driveway and called him from my phone. I asked him to come outside bcuz someone had broke into his car. he sounded upset and came outside. i was holding his old system. i told him someone broke in....and put a new sound system in! he was so happy. then he ended up taking care of his car and fixn it up for 2 days after that hehehe. so grateful for my husband and all he has done for me, my kids and my family. one of the most happiest, content, patient men I know and have in my life.

Veni also lost his 2nd front top tooth this past week.
He was also sick so we ended up at a clinic. he had an ear infection and strep. glad we had the help we needed to get him better. the only thing that sucked is we spent about 2 hrs there in the waiting room and then in the patients room. Veni was so tired and drained he ended up passed out when the Dr finally came in.
My baby girl Zerin went on a camp by herself to Mill Hollow. seems like she liked it. at first i was hesitant to let her go but her dad thought it'd be a good experience. glad she did get to go. makes it easier on me if she has to leave again without me. she's pretty mature and independent. :) GYM I have been pretty good at going to the gym 4 days each week for the past 3 weeks. my gold is 5 days next week. My back is gonna look like this hehehehe....no really

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Pay attention to me!

Keai came home tired and trying to relax in front of the TV. Veni (5 yr old son) keeps saying "let's go outside and play football". Tired of my son repeating what his dad doesn't really hear, I say "Please play with Veni. He's been waiting for you all day to play with him." Before I am done saying another thing my husband doesn't hear, Veni throws that ball and hits his dad straight on the side of the head. Way to get your dad's attention son!!

Friday, June 7, 2013


never thought I'd say it but I realllly luv to excercise. i have to focus on the good hormones that kick in when I do excercise. watched a weightloss show and the trainer says "this is the voice that you will have to fight everday" I hear that voice tellin me "its too hard" when i start on the eliptical so I have to make my voice louder that I can do this, I deserve to be happy, I deserve to be healthy and I deserve to be my ideal weight. it doesnt matter when I reach my weightloss goal....I will reach it. it is attainable. stay grateful, pix how you want your life and day to be, and take action! -quote from my favorite Tony Robbins. I found a pix of a toned and fit back of a lady and put it on my phone so I can have it up as I wkout. visualization is so helpful for me to rewire my mind. I now can feel that feeling I had long ago when I first excercised as a 29yr old where I am doing this for myself. the above is my shot of my eliptical as i had just surpassed the max 59min and was on cool down approaching 800 Cal. then I get on a bike for another 14min and hit total 830Cal.

i shall overcome...I have overcome, and will continue to overcome

Yesterday morning awoke to an argument with my husband. I tried to not feel down on myself. we went to the gym I hit 800 Cal for the first time!! i was feeling good til about an hr after getting home. I ended up shopping to try to find that temporary happiness but it was no use. Thank goodness for my children's needs that I can look after so I am not enveloped in my inaccurate thoughts of my life. In the evening I finally told my husband what a bad day I had. I was in a better place by then bcuz I was glad that he listened. Today was a whole new day. I went to the gym again. 830 Calories!! felt so proud of myself and so exhausted. yet i found the strength to clean and cook. the kids were good about helping with the cleaning part. Vinny's been over. i get upset when my son argues or tries to boss him around. sometimes Vinny stands up to him lol. I want to split them apart or punish them many times but my husband reminds me that they are kids and they will argue and resolve their own problems. Vinny went to go home with his home putting on his pouty face and it got both me and my husband trying to comfort him. hopefully as time goes on my kids and their cousins will look out for one another. there will be good days and bad days btwn my husband and me but hopefully a whole lot more good days. he came home exhausted from wking his day job and then iate afterwards. grateful that I am blessed with such a man.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Graduation time

It that's time of the year where u see all the different types of lei's people come up with. went to Seini's graduation (oldest daughter of Lote and Kena). so happy for her. her mom and sister's were up in the bleachers showing how loud and happy they were. made me think of Lote back in high school...so fun. as we r waiting there is a child's name called and one mom stands up screaming at the top of her lungs for her daughter. then she sits down and it is quiet. Kale is sitting next to me and say loudly "well that's embarrassing!" I am thinking "what the? i better scoot away cuz ur embarrassing me". this girl is to funny, no shame. Kale and Zerin had their first volleyball practice with Nia. so thankful she's up for teaching them.