? ??????????????Future Stars Will Be Dim? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (7 Ratings)??863 Grabs Today. 9090 Total
Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Dark Tree? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (23 Ratings)??834 Grabs Today. 24918 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, December 2, 2016


Vincent came over last week and he's here again this weekend to play with Steven.  Yo stays up late so he is my stay up late buddy.  Today we went to see grandpa for his birthday yesterday and uncle Moses hasn't been doing so good.
Kale has started playing volleyball at the Franklin Covey warehouse. Only me and Steven and Zerin went to see grandpa.  He talked a little bit how he wanted to go on vacation this month but was worried about Mosese.  We took Dad some fish. Watching Ellen not sure how much time we have with our family so we need to  take advantage of the time that we have with them.

We had a suprise bday party for Maya 16th bday. Was so happy for her she she deserves it she's always been a good girl and always helping out more than the usual kids do.

 Steven also finish football and their team took championships this year is really fun and Coach Matt had a banquet.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

I am Debt Free!!!!!!!!!

FPU lessons

baby steps (Dave Ramsey)
1 save $1000
2 get out of debt/debt snowball
3 3- 6 months of expenses for fully funded emergency fund  (about 3yrs  avg for steps 1-3)

baby steps 4-6 do at same time
4 15% into retirement
5 college
6 pay off the house   (about 7yrs avg)
7  Build wealth and Give for Financial Peace

Live like no one else now so you can live like no one else later   :)

1   Super Saver
2 Relating w/money
3 Cash Flow
4 Dumping debt
5 Buyer beware
6 Role of Insurance
7 Retirement and college planning
8 Real Estate and mortgages
9 The Great Misunderstanding  (build wealth and give)

food storage week by week
beef jerky

weight watchers

this week started a journey for the new me.  I am so much happier in only 6days. feel lighter. clothes a little better. most of all different way of eating, veggies etc. so glad chose to do this.  I know it wont change my major problems but at least I will be with my kids a little longer and be more confident. little things like wearing a womens watch and fitting into airplane seat are what I look fwd to.
12feb 2016
now 5 weeks into the plan.  lost 9.2lbs!  last 3 days were hard though cuz I let negative thoughts back in.  last night helped tons. keai and I went to gym and he helped me with barbells for chest. felt so powerfull and good.  left with back sweating and feeling them good endorphins.  yay!
Going to be brave and go weigh in today cuz I might have gained 2 or 3 lbs but that's the only way to move forward...keeping going and keep getting up. it was only a little over a pound gained but decided to get back up and track again. i can do this!

Update following week i lost!! 


been doing WW with Liz for 2 months now....down 13lbs!!  so slow which sucks with how impatient i am so i have to look for non scale victories.  
i can now do treadmill for 35min straight where when i started 10min was a killer on my back.
my back feels so much better from the pains i was getting 3months ago
my hoodies/some shirts come down to my thighs where before i had em just cover my stomach. the shirts i almost tossed at one pt cuz they looked terrible now theyre some of my favorite for working out.
my fitbit started at last 2 holes for clasp and now can go as high as the 5th notch
my puffy grey jacket zipper can meet opposite sides
if i eat something  bad it doesnt taste as good as i remember but i track and move on.
twice i gained weight and kept going to my meetings to see the weight keep coming off now.
i can see a pattern when i do show a gain once a month so i expect and know that success is just around the corner.
Learned a lot about listening to my body and what i need to eat or how much i can excercise so that i can keep it up.
more positive thoughts than negative.
thinking about what i want instead of what i don't want.  the law of attraction.  when i am on the eliptical i watch videos of fit women to encourage me. visualization for the mind and the mind itself is so stronger
I am stronger than i think.
my kids especially my son watches how i eat and starts to eat more healthy.
saving money cuz we dont buy ice cream. we will go out for it maybe once a month but thats about it.
went to Chuck a rama 2 weeks ago and realized i havent ate there in forever. when i was full i left instead of grazing just bc it was there.
helps so much to have Liz go with me and to have the support of other members who understand what i am doing and encourage me.

Friday, February 12, 2016

auntie Peta's funeral

was surprised to hear that my aunt had passed the same night we visited her last week.  all us kids collected money and took it to dad.  it was one of the only times I can think of that he sat down and talked to us as a dad and thanked us as well as telling us that this doesn't ever end in our tongan culture (giving for funerals and big events).  I know he misses his sister and dad.  had so many pass in the past few yrs.
then he said something that was insightful to us. he said dying was not as scarey, because his dad went before him.  the reason this hit me so hard was because when we got to his house (me and Ensign and Lily)  the house was dark. he was next door with uncle Ensign. since my gpa has passed it has been hard to go to his house with him gone.  we all went and sat at dad's house until dad got there.  I noticed that I felt the same. when my dad (or one of my brothers and sisters) isn't at a place that is familiar, it can be scary to go to that place.   not knowing what is ahead is scary but once someone you love is there, you feel free/comfortable to go there.
at auntie Peta's funeral the best talks to me were those from her grandkids and how they missed her. Anthony's 3rd daughter said that her gma taught her that You stand faithful even when times are hard.  his oldest shared how they would plant flowers together. something so special to her.
it was strange to hear them keep saying her name (my name). I thought "what will those I leave say about me?" what did I contribute to their lives and to this life?
I didn't spend a lot of time with my aunt but I know that she was faithful and that she loved her kids, grandkids and husband but especially the Lord.  I remember her telling me at one of our last conversations about how excited she was about some church books talking of the things to come.  Miss my loved ones that have passed.