? ??????????????Future Stars Will Be Dim? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (7 Ratings)??863 Grabs Today. 9090 Total
Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Dark Tree? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (23 Ratings)??834 Grabs Today. 24918 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kale's 8th bday

It was Kale's 8th bday but she and veni have been sick with fevers so we finally got to take them out. She chose to go to H. connection for the rides. They started off by roller blading. I watched in amazement and wished I knew how to lol...Even as a child i was too chicken to do that kind of stuff but there they were only 6 and 8 rounding the rink like the older kids. I am glad they are able to do more and have more that I had when I was young. especially when i think of how much time they get to spend with us. my bros and sis didnt get much time with our parents because there were always so many of us.

She and Zerin have build a bears that they take care of and dress up. One of the few toys I have seen them take care of. Kale lahi is in town and Kale sii was talking bout how she was sad she couldnt have a bday party cuz she was sick. She says "gosh mom I was so excited I was already having a party in my head" lol.

Veni now says thank you and bless you. the best was when he dropped something the other day and I was about to yell at him when he looks up and says "sorry sorry" .... that was the 1st time I'd heard him say that and how can I be mad at that? what a cutie :)

Zerin's been really good about not fussing over kale getting presents. She was excited about Kale's bday party too.

Keai did the sweetest thing for me. I was super hungry and it was snowing outside. It was 10pm and he went out to get me something to eat and I am not even pregnant lol...u dont understand. I am usually the one who has to run out or cook. this time he really went out of his way to do it for me. luv that guy

our flip flop superman

growing up, it seemed that dad was always too busy. He was always working. When he did take us out it was for ice cream. I remember he could down 3 or 4 before we left dairy queen. I remember how excited we'd get just pulling into their parking lot.

Now I am married to a great guy and his work allows for us to spend time with him. My daughters usually get their way with having him take them to the park, mc donald's or the kids museum. On one particular day all we had time to do was to go for walk with them. It was a warm day and the sun was beginning to set. My husband had on shorts and slippers. We were heading home and Kale and Zerin were walking between us. I could see our house not far off when I hear this dog growling. My heart starts to pound as my eyes are going crazy searching for the source. To my left was where the god was standing, no leash, and he was ready to charge. He was on my husbands side. Immediately i pick up my younger one who was probably 4 or 5 yrs old at that time. I thought he was going to pick up kale when the dog came running. Instead he kicks it in the side and the dog runs back to where he came from. I can still picture his flip flop lol. I was so relieved. My heart was still trying to calm as we got home.

I am sure as a child i was aware of all my dad did for me. Just as on this afternoon I am not sure that my kids understood what there dad had just done for them. i am thankful for our dads.....our heroes :)