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Saturday, March 13, 2010

kale's baptism

sat March 6th 2010 kale was baptized. So nerve racking and exciting for her dad, me and kale. Zerin and Veni had been sick and I wanted to delay it being so overwhelmed but my husband wanted to continue on. The only other candidate was Fetz, Hinalei Moors son. I knew it'd be packed with all the Wolfgramm's for him but little did i know we'd have just as many people. My friend line and her husband came as well as all my brothers and sisters and their kids. Crystal made a beautifu collage of pictures of Kale. I thought we were gonna do spotlights on them but we did not. Lily ended up talking about it at the restarant (Golden Corral) after the baptism. I'll include what it said at the end of this post.

The Jets sisters and Hinalei sang. Kale had her hair braided in 2 and I could tell she felt beautiful and special. Her dad decked out in white sat beside her at the front. I sat towards the back with Steven, Zerin, and Maya. Dad walked in with Pou and sat with us. I was so happy they could be there. I spoke with dad last night and a lot of times when i invite him to something I think "I dont think he's gonna come". This time i knew from his tone of voice that he'd come.

Cassidi said a talk on the Holy Ghost and then Hinalei's sister Moana did a talk about baptism. When it was Kale's turn to get baptized we had to walk out past the gym and down a long flight of stairs to get to a little room for the actual baptism. When i got down there, I was so nervous. I didnt seem to see anyone's faces but my husband's. I remember seeing all the kids scrunched up at the front. so I didnt get the best view. I wanted to see Kale but I know how excited the kids are and how important it is for them to see this type of thing. I remember seeing soll's 3 child trying to get a spot. Then I hear Keai praying and Kales feet go under the water. A sigh a relief came from within me when she had the 1 attempt and was done. I remember having to do mine 2 or 3 times with my dad holding me.

After that Kale and I hurried her up and then her dad called for her to come out. Her hair was still soaking but she was ready to go. I thought it was so beautiful walking from behind her and her dad. They were hand in hand as they have been many times. This time he in a freshly cleaned suit and her in her white long dress (one that she picked out herself a few months back). Thank goodness for my sister Crystal again who took my camera and got a few pictures after the restaraunt. Wish I could have had someone help me get some at the church because my mind was going crazy with nervousness that I didnt get any myself. Everything seemed to go by so fast.

Kale was so excited by the unexpected gifts and money people were giving her. Her uncle Tei and Laura gave her a necklace, she also got gifts from Maya's mom and money from Afa and Aho. This meant a lot to me cuz they were from families that I know are struggling. I hope Kale can read this someday and be reminded that she is special and that we love her more than words can say. I can only begin to imagine how happy her grandparents are that have passed on as well as our Heavenly Father.

This is what I wrote for Lily to share with the rest of the family:
Hakeai told the doctor on one of our checkups "we've been married now for exactly a yr" the doctor (Deborah Ellis) was putting a monitor on my stomach as we heard Kale's hear beat for the 1st time. She replied "well happy anniversary". I remember tears welling up in my eyes. After over 24 hrs Kale made her appearance. I dont know who was more happy...Peta that she was finally delivering after 9 months or Hakeai who got to wear the scrubs like a surgeon.
Growing up Kale loved to dance. It didnt matter whether it was a real song or just an intro to a tv show. Her favorite is when grandma Ika would clap and sing a made up song while Kale swayed back and forth and did her own made up taolunga hand gestures.
Kale had many babysitters (Lita, Leta and her kids, Gma Ika and Losena, Apisai's kids, Nainoa, Crystal, Lily to name a few). She is so happy to have you all here to share this day with her.