? ??????????????Future Stars Will Be Dim? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (7 Ratings)??863 Grabs Today. 9090 Total
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Friday, September 29, 2017

fat man burning

been wanting to get back to clean eating since a few yrs back when I had boundless amounts of energy and positive thinking as well as confidence
so here will start journal of my first 30 days to better eating using fat burning man's technique of natural foods and healthy fats.

couldn't believe I did so well. ate spinach and balsamic vinegar for the first time and liked it.  we had rice in the evening though and I could resist but had one and drank a lot of water.  husband ate a big ice cream cone in the evening and I had a big cup of water!
Mindset: positive 4
Sleep: hard to fall asleep as usual. no melatonin

Day 2
wow energy and refreshed in the morning. was able to do a lot of cleaning and feeling positive.

food:  had musubisssss and prob 4 total. I know I suck but I knew I couldn't do 100pcnt. will get back up and move on.  on positive note had about 4 cups spinach or more today in smoothing and salad. ate tons of wasabi peas that I will no longer buy bcuz of additives on the outside of sugar and salt.

Sleep: in charge tomorrow and couldn't fall asleep.  1/2 ambien and I was still awake.  ugh.  once asleep though, I was out.  didn't have energy in the morning because I also couldn't fight my cereal craving last night.  at least it was with coconut milk.
Mindset:   1    knew I was eating bad and gave in.  had chocolate and veggie chips.  prob should've had more water to curb sweet tooth.

Paying for cereal last night.  woke up no energy, but I think I needed the break for a day to get back on the horse.  feel's like today will be much better.  at least I resisted ice cream last night for the 2nd night in a row.
Mindset: 4
FOOD:  I can do better today.  started with veggie smoothie. my husbands such a good teammate drinking eat too even though it wasn't as good as I remember it was yesterday.
will have another tub of spinach today to make up for all the additives yesterday.  will buy lettuce today and that actually excites me   lol. 
I cant believe I like feta cheese. never liked it before but I put it in food processor to get all my veggies in.  slowly using less dressing and going into no dressing.
only day 3 but I am so happy I decided to change and believe in myself.  happy that my kids are off today so hopefully can do something fun with them after work.  also paid $2300 on our car load. only $2900 left.   we'll be paid off by Feb at the latest! yay!!

we're going on a plane in March hopefully to korea again so I want to feel antabulous!!
as well as reunion in Cali in summer so a lot to look fwd to. 

always setting new goals. this weeks goal to drink water before I indulge in anything I know has additives.  not buying fake foods that will tempt me

Sleep: still having a hard time falling asleep, but I do start feeling tired at the time I need to go to bed.

went to dinner last night with Keai cuz he had a gift card. hadn't realized what cheapskates we've become.  luv it  lol.   I did what FMB said to eat a fat rich dinner. omg I wasn't hungry at all after that. made to bed with no extra snacks

FOOD  trying to fast for the morning. we'll see how it goes. cant believe I am still not hungry bcuz of my burger and bacon last night.  morning and afternoon we went to look at cars and I was wide awake.  started using MCT oil and my stomach was going nutz.  right after car searching I had to run home   lol.   bfast was a greenie smoothie w/MCT.    lunch I let myself get too hungry.  we ended up at Little Ceasars and I ate that pizza like no one's business.  of course in that moment I felt good but as soon as I finished my body felt so messed up and tired.  so fast how the starches/sugar affected me.  straightened up for dinner and had kimchi, eggs, salad.

Mindset: energy this morning is fantastic! ususally have to have some green tea by now but haven't had to.  will try MCT oil today with a smoothie/drink

Sleep  still same situation. get tired but cant fall asleep.

Day5   sunday
food: had kimchi egg for bfast.  noon green smoothie w/MCT
got on the scale and the way my clothes fit they already feel more lose.  scale shows 6lb weight loss.

Mindset:  so much more aware of what can shoot my body sugars down.  my kids had French toast and I resisted and did my own thing.
Sleep  fell asleep really early but couldn't get up.  overslept.  prob bcuz I ate tons of pumpkin pie. 

Day6  MOnday
food:   gave in and had more pumpkin pie but then made my green smoothie and trying to get it down

Mindset:  total stoked because scale shows another lb lost.  my clothes feel a lot looser. going to take my brown pants and sew them down so that they aren't so loose.  great feeling!!

Exercise: keep getting up from desk as much as I can bcuz I have a 10hr work day today

Sleep: same
Day 7
did feel more energized in daytime til about 6pm took a green tea pill.  hard day with food bcuz I started it all wrong with pumpkin pie  ugh. so glad its finished and outta the house.

excited and back on the horse and ready to go again. seeing and feeling results.