? ??????????????Future Stars Will Be Dim? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (7 Ratings)??863 Grabs Today. 9090 Total
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Monday, August 15, 2011

my nephew Papa ...Aliki Walter

Last week my nephew Liki "Alipapa" was baptized with my cousin Robert's daughter (Ana). Moana was doing a talk and asking them about different objects. she pulls out a sock and says what would you use this for? he answers "when u need help to walk". then she continues ...pulls out a Q tip and asks again "what is this?" he answers "I dont know". his dad baptized him and then confirms him. Luv that kid. he always acts comfortable and at home with us when he visits.

We also had my gma Tilini's putu. What a great lady! So many people from all over the diff states she visited. Gonna miss her laugh. I thought gma would be a nervous wreck but she looked strong. She has so much faith that they'll meet again that she isnt in sorrow. I'm sure she looks at the point that gma Tilini is now not in any pain.

On top of everything else we had our Wolfgramm reunion in the same week. We went the 1st night and took some cups and napkins. the 2nd night we spent at the funeral then the last day we went to Lily lahi's grave and heard stories of her from unko Misi, gpa Makanesi and the rest of the family. wished there were more people there. they talked of how smart, talented and business oriented she was. One of her sayings "Plan your work and work your plan." I dont remember a lot about her but I know is loved and missed. I got to see unko Misi. first time in a long time. he always was looking out for Lily and i when my parents split up. He sent me $$ while I was on my mission. I walked with him to his car. I pulled out some $$ and put it in his pocket. told him it was for gas. He didnt push back (like the normal from a poly). I knew he was thankful. I think he was in shock. lol never have given him $$ but he's done so much more for me and my sister.