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Wednesday, January 11, 2012


started at the beg. of Jan to try to live the Eat To Live way (fruits, veggies, nuts and beans) lost 3 lbs in 3 days and then fell off the wagon. Got back on the wagon 10jan and feel great!!! it's only been about a day and 1/2 but I have made the decision to suceed. no looking back at any nonsuccessful times. Keeping my eyes on the prize and looking twrds the future. read about an older lady who suffered from angina (pain in chest from shortness of blood getting to heart) and then following this fruits and veggies way lost 90 lbs and kept going. I can do this!! I feel good and want to keep feeling good. I love that I can eat a lot and lose weight. I dont feel hungry and went around prepared today with my apple and salad. even made Keai a salad for lunch. I miss being at home and being able to keep everything organized.