? ??????????????Future Stars Will Be Dim? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (7 Ratings)??863 Grabs Today. 9090 Total
Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Dark Tree? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (23 Ratings)??834 Grabs Today. 24918 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Veni's arm

I was 1/2 asleep when my mom's voice is yelling for me to run the the school cuz my son was hurt. I stumble out the door as I am trying to reach a nearby clinic to see if they'll take him. they tell me if its a broken bone it's better for us to run to Primary Children's. I walk quickly into the school expecting to hear his screams of pain but I hear nothing. A volunteer there finds me and walks me into the nurses room. there he is not a tear on his face and a creative sling of fabric with his arm inside of a thick magazine. they all say he's so brave. I run him up to the hospital. 20 min later Keai walks in. he couldnt concentrate on his work so he ran home to change and then up to meet us. then I remember I havent had more than 3hrs of sleep. he says he already thought of that and how I wouldnt be a happy camper. they took Veni to xray and Keai tells me to go sleep in his car. I am outside for 10 min when I know I cant sleep and walk back into the room. there about 7 dr and nurses there to help him fall asleep and then straighten his arm. before I know it, it's fixed and we are going home. his sisters are angry and say they'll find the little girl that hurt him. lol.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

grandma Ika

Grandma's been with Sola for over a year now. in the last month she her health seemed to declined suddenly. the last time she came to my house she was complaining that one of her hands couldnt grip anything. then about a month later she cant use either hand and her legs couldnt hold her up. they finally got her to the hospital to find out that she had a pinched nerve in her neck bone. had to have been the most anxious few days of my life. the Dr said that there was a chance that she might not make it through the surgery. I couldnt sleep. cried on my husband's shoulder at night. my kids were probably so confused. i couldnt explain to them how serious the surgery was for fear that they'd feel my worry and stress out with me. i want them to be kids, to be carefree. The night before the surgery I was at home and couldnt get myself to go to the hospital again bcuz I didnt want to cry in front of gma. my husband came into our room to find me crying. then he tells me "you should go. take your brother and go". i go down to the bottom of the stairs and couldnt stop crying. i turned to go outside before I walked into his room. As I stepped outside my mom pulls up. she probably thought something bad had happened. so she tells me to wait for Walter. 5 min later, Veni, walt, mom and I are in the van and on the way to the hospital. it was already passed 11pm but there we were walking into the hospital. grandma had just finished visiting with Ofa and his kids. being there I felt comforted. no more tears. just held onto grandma's hand. when we left she said "alu pe koe. teu sai pe au ia". the next day I watched the clock from home with my kids and husband as I knew if I stayed at the hospital there wasnt a lot I could do. finally saw a post that gma made it through the surgery alright. words cant express how relieved I was and how thankful I was to Heavenly Father for helping her and us. There was a little part of me that felt sad bcuz I know that her journey ahead with rehab will not be easy. After stay at the hospital they transferred her to a rehab center to help her get back some of her strength.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Now it's a real emergency and Laine's baptism

many weeks I am debating if I can use our savings for what I think is an emergency. last week I bought a steamer to clean our tile. that went well, but then I tried to be supermom and turned off the frigerator to clean it. about 2 hrs later keai asks so are you still going to clean the frigerator. I was doing other things and forgot to turn it back on. ever since then it hasnt worked the same and finally it died on us. so now it's a real emergency and I dont want to drain all our savings. My husband and I went to Home Depot, their service guy sucked! then ended up at RC Willey. my husband notices one of my cousins (Alona) and he then takes us up to the refrigerators. the salesman that helped us there was great and Alona got us a great deal. family discount...who even knew that was a real thing. we then went home and spent about 4 hrs trying to get it into the kitchen with the help of uncle Sai and then Keai working effortlessly up in the hot roof to hook up a water line. now my kids and I are spoiled having water and ice ready to go whenever we need it out of the frigerator. I was so impressed with Keai and his maneuvers to get the job done. My niece Laine was also baptized last Sat 9/7/2013. her mom asked for Line to do the talk on baptism and me to do the talk on the Holy Ghost. Luisa Iongi did primary songs with us while we waited for Laine to chnge. Her dad Eliesa had baptized her and given her a blessing. Laine looked so adorable and was able to recite her articles of faith for us. her gpa and gma camd from Tonga and her uncle and aunt from Florida to witness her special day. at the end my kids had told me that that day was also Metiline's bday so we took her a pink skateboard as her gift. then as Nia is always thoughtful she took all 3 of my kids swimming to celebrate. Keai and I havent been kidless in who knows how long. thanks my favorite Nia!