? ??????????????Future Stars Will Be Dim? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (7 Ratings)??863 Grabs Today. 9090 Total
Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Dark Tree? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (23 Ratings)??834 Grabs Today. 24918 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

grandma's prayers answered

guess who finally got their recommend?! Yay! everytime i planned on going in, my husband would make me so angry. Then sunday night my cousin texted asking me to come tmrw night cuz she gets her endowments. I told myself "k dont worry bout what Keai does, just go into the stake". I also am sked to wk tmrw night. Anyhow i text the stake secretary who does sked for stake and he said that they wont be on tuesday (today). I said a prayer and signed up for auto for my shift. I checkd stAff mangmt to find i got auto! So i tell my husband i am going into the stake n sit there cuz someone is going to show up n i will get my recommend. Get to stake n Deehna pouha asks what i am doing. I tell her that i am there to get my recommend but stake pres isnt supposed to be there. She laughed n looked at me like i was crazy. Lol. So sitting there and other tongan ladies ask if i want to come to their fine ofa activity. I tell them thanks but i am there to see the stake (already been sitting there for about an hour...and my kids say "lets go home no one is coming") then the lady tells me that she just saw the staje open their office! Run over there, had to wait almost 3 hrs but I got it! I could tell my husband was so happy. I am so excited. Its been way too long
1030pm my husband was at the gym and I am calling my sister/best friend Liz Leakehe.  she probably thought that something was wrong that I was calling her so late.  i was only too excited that i finally was holding in my hand my recommend and all the experiences that I went through to get to this point were too exciting for me just to text her.  Liz has been there through a lot of my thick and thins. things i cant tell my sisters/mom cuz i dont want them to judge my husband.  every once in a while we go get Pedi's together or go eat.  every wife really needs a friend to destress with.  going to sleep is always hard for me but tonight especially with the excitement of knowing that we get to go to the temple tmrw.
day of going to temple….
i started off by having to drop by gma's house to give her money and take some cakes to help with a putu.  i was telling her that i got my recommend and she laughs (smiling soooo happy). then she tells me with more happiness that her son (uncle Biu) recvd his recommend as well as a calling.  came home to tell Keai about my visit and then the thought passed "what if gma goes soon cuz now her prayers are answered?" all she talks about when i see her is if we have food stored in case any kind of disaster comes up and that we need to go to the temple.
last night Keai tells me that i would have to go to temple without him cuz he was on call. i said "no. you find someone to cover your shift and we will go. someone will help you"  before noon this morning he texted that Heavenly Father answered that prayer too. so off to the temple we went.  when we arrived we saw Sai, Funaki, Polo'i, aunty Lela, and Muka. still was in disbelieft that i finally made my way back to the Lord's House.  Keai sat next to me when a brother came up and asked us to be the couple that leads the session. my heart was pounding and i was looking at Keai as if to say "please tell him No" but i know better than that and ended up in our reserved seats.  Some days i don't know if my husband knows how much i love him. watching him come in with his handsome face and white clothes was priceless.  we later went into another room and met up with Cass and Kris.  so happy for her and yet was so nervous myself.   lol. came home with a feeling that not much can give my heart….PEACE.  

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

little sister's bridal shower

had so much fun and it was worth all the work.  Kris asked me to do a couple of games for Cass's shower.  i procrastinated prob because i was nervous but was glad they asked me to help out.  food was great (sandwiches and soups). was able to spend time with family when i normally am so unsociable.  Lousia also helped with the games. we both did a writing game and then isa did a game where they had someone write words with their booty (tahitian moves) then i had a balloon game i got off of FB.  they had to be in 2 lines and leave over while the person from behind had to try and pop a balloon that the girl in front was wearing. was kind of nervous cuz my mom showed up and so did one of our uncles   lol.   it was fun though. then we got to go see Cass's house afterwards…beautiful.  so thankful i was able to share in this special time for her. Cass, Andrea, Sepa and Sariah were our little roomates and also our sisters as we were staying with them when we 1st got married.  nowadays because of my girls' ages we spend more time with Loni and Lexx. luv their family so much.

changes with losing weight

I put on my hubby's shorts cuz i had to run and throw in a load of laundry…they fit!!! i have a a watch from Lita for over 2  yrs but never wore it cuz it didn't fit…it fits!!! i swear i saw my collar bone in my reflection at gym today. i like looking in the gym mirror more and more.
last night i was working downstairs. came upstairs to find my hubby in front of youtube watching these boyish looking body models. i was furious. i went back downstairs cussing.  he kept coming to lean on me. i kept telling him to go away.  once i was done (1230 am) i went to bed and he was still awake.  he said something was wrong but i wasnt sure what was next. for the 1st time he said that he was worried that i was going to leave. usually after our arguments he will just go to sleep but tonight he said he wasnt sure why he was feeling so worried when all he wanted was for me to be happier and to be able to lose weight (i have lost 22lbs so far this year by clean eating).  i couldnt believe what i was hearing. he said he could tell i am feeling more confident.  i did feel like that today but didnt know that it made that much of a difference in the way i carry myself.  this guy doesnt know how much i love him and that sort of thing doesnt cross my mind like it did when i was more immature.
we went to gym tonight and i couldnt believe how much energy i had. i did an hour on elliptical (4miles) and still had more energy. we took keai home cuz he has to wk in the morning and i went back and did more cardio til they closed at midnight. clean eating has helped me so much.  i have been able to eat at least 4 cucumbers in past week as well as 3 zucchinis, 3 tomatoes, and 3 heads of lettuce.  i am impressing myself and building my belief and love for myself in a way that i could never have imagined.
i have been trying to get my temple recommend and have a testimony that when you are trying to do the Lord's work, that obstacles will come your way.  the past 2 weeks something always comes up. my cousin is getting married this week and texted me to come on the night that she gets her endowments and here i am dying to go just because she asked me but i still havent been able to meet w/the stake to sign my recommend.  i am going to stake tmrw night out of faith that Heavenly Father will make things happen so that i can go with her.
the kids started school today. Kale had her 1st day of jr high and was nervous as i have ever seen her but she made it through her day and she says it isnt too bad. glad she had a good experience.  zerin's a 6th grader (so oldest grade in her school). veni keeps asking me who will be with him when his sisters leave elementary.  i try not to show my worried side cuz i know they feel it when i do.  time really does fly by. already been married for 14yrs and now have a little young woman.  a lot to be grateful for.