? ??????????????Future Stars Will Be Dim? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.7 (7 Ratings)??863 Grabs Today. 9090 Total
Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Dark Tree? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.3 (23 Ratings)??834 Grabs Today. 24918 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????? BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, November 28, 2009

being old means hot dates at church dance

It's been a little over a month since our last hot date. So, since our ward was having a dance last night my husband decided for us to go....I am happy at home with a movie but I know how much he likes this kind of stuff so we went. It wasn't bad. The only part I couldn't stand is this marching thing that they do. I remember watching as a younger kid when mom used to drag us to dances. I would think to myself "I am never going to be in that march. It's for old people." So now I have to put away those promises to myself and parade around in the awful march, Then we have a slow dance. I guess that made it worth while, because it's been forever since I have had a slow dance with my husband. I kept hoping we'd go home early. Then my son, who got to come on this date with us starts asking for a drink. So to avoid more dancing I ask my husband to take him to the drinking fountain. I am sitting in the dance for 4 or 5 songs and thinking "something is wrong, he wouldn't take this long." Just then I see Keai and baby walking back in but Keai is holding my son's shirt and Veni is running along side in his jacket. Turns out the water got all over my son and now he is only in his jacket. I am so worried someone will notice that my son's shirt is missing and think what retarded parents brought their son without a shirt. That made the dance only seem longer.
On our way home we stopped to pick up some of our kids favorite to take home ...Mc Donald's. I don't really like fast food but I was hungry. We barely pulled into the parking lot when my 2 yr old says "yay!" from the back of the car. I didn't even know he pays that much attention. It's sad that they know what the golden arches are before they can say our names. My husband orders all 3 of the kids nuggets. when we get home kale is asleep so i leave her food by her and Zerin comes out to the kitchen to eat with us. I wake up in the morning trying to get my feet warmed up because I have awful plantar fasciitis when I hear Zerin asking Kale for one of her nuggets. Kale says "you had some" to which Zerin replies "no, i got a cheeseburger last night". I couldn't believe how fast she made up that story. Was I like that when I was younger? When I yell out "Zerin let kale eat her food," Zerin is suprised and is quiet. When I catch them in a lie I drill into their heads that I know when they are lying in hopes that that will reduce their lying to me when they are older. Probably doesn't work but they'll have nightmares when they do lie that I do know.